
Posts Tagged ‘pasta’

Apparently it’s ‘vegetarian week’ at the moment! Who knew… Oh yes, Twitter of course. The internet loves a themed day or week! So I could spend the week preaching about how great it is to be a veggie, but I thought I’d celebrate by suggesting some ways meat-eaters and veggies can get along better. And what issue is more contentious than cooking dinner for each other??

ingredients (more…)

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Doesn’t this curly kale look beautiful? If only we judged vegetables by their looks sometimes. Not that I would’ve been up for eating this a few years ago, no matter how pretty it is. But now I’ve learned to stop worrying and love the greens. Black kale (cavolo nero) has definitely been in my top five vegetables for a few years now. What, you don’t have a top five vegetables list? Oh well, maybe one day there will be more of us in the vegetable geek club. In the meantime, here are some of the recipes that made me change my mind about greens..


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Broccoli has always been one of my favourite veggies. Before I got my vegetables via a box scheme delivery service (like an American CSA), I would buy it religiously every week. And then I didn’t eat any for ages – I guess I got a bit distracted by all the other vegetables I was discovering and I just forgot about good ole broccoli. But these are the recipes that remind me why I will always go back to where my love for vegetables began…



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New Year’s Eve this year started out with 22 friends, one big house in the countryside and an even bigger potluck dinner. Basically my idea of heaven! I brought far too much food as always but everyone knows that’s better than not having enough…

brownies (more…)

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I may be vegetarian but I am not a fan of fake meat. I’ve always thought it was a bit of a boring cop-out. Whenever I see those gray, chewy fake chicken pieces I can’t help but wonder why you wouldn’t just use something natural and tasty like mushrooms instead! When there are so many delicious ways to cook vegetables I honestly find I rarely miss eating meat.

But I’m from New Jersey and I grew up eating the kind of decent Italian food you rarely find on this side of the Atlantic. A good spaghetti and meatballs is the perfect comfort dish for cold winter nights. My photography doesn’t really do it justice but I promise my recipe is much more moist than anything made with veggie mince!


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